Earthquake, flood, fire, or war and streets… We are living in the streets. Our life are in gamble here…
Where it will be before die?
Where it will be before die?
Published on streaming service BluTv in 2022.
I was the Director of Photography in this award-winning project.
This project wins the second prize of DASK Short Film Contest, 2014
Writer & Director
Umur Dağli
Umur Dağli
Cihan Telli
Cihan Telli
Director of Photography
Özgür Kalender
Özgür Kalender
Art Director
Ali Yücel Yağcı
Ali Yücel Yağcı
Aliniyaz Seferov
Aliniyaz Seferov
Editing & Color
Umur Dağli
Umur Dağli
Umur Dağli
Umur Dağli
Oğuz Kabasakal
Oğuz Kabasakal